Become Accredited

How to Become an GEAC - Accredited Certification Body

Thank you for your interest in GEAC and accredited certification.

GEAC assesses and accredits certification bodies (CBs) that demonstrate competence to audit and certify organizations conforming to management systems standards. Accreditation by a recognized and respected body such as GEAC ensures the impartiality and competence of the CB and fosters confidence and acceptance of the CB's certifications by end users in the public and private sectors.

If your organization is based outside the United States or Europe, GEAC asks that you first look into accreditation by your national accreditation body. The International Accreditation Forum (IAF) multilateral recognition arrangement (MLA) has been signed by accreditation bodies around the world. IAF MLA signatories undergo a peer evaluation to determine that their accreditation systems meet international requirements and are equivalent to those of other signatories.

Requirements for CBs

The first step in becoming an GEAC-accredited certification body is to become familiar with requirements and the accreditation process.

The GEAC fee schedule identifies base and subordinate standard programs. Accreditation (or formal application for accreditation) to a base standard is a prerequisite for accreditation for subordinate standards. There may also be a time requirement. For example, a CB must be accredited for ISO 9001 for at least a year before the CB can be accredited to audit and issue certificates to aerospace standards.

All applicants must conform with ISO/IEC 17021:2011. You can view the ISO/IEC 17021 Requirement Matrix, which must be completed by applicants, in PDF format for informational purposes.

All information requested by GEAC, including the application and supporting documents, shall be submitted in English.

Reach us

  • Do you have a complaint about GEAC? Do you want to report about an accredited organisation? Do you have a compliment?